2024 || Enter the Green Dragon


It's always nice to look back and reminisce one's fondest memories. Seeing old pictures evokes many emotions, mostly good, sometimes bad but somehow still gives you peace (reminding you of how you managed to get out of the rut). Good pictures are always good, no matter what was actually going on. After all, a sad movie can still be a masterpiece.

In 2024, I learned so many valuable lessons that I will cherish for the rest of my life. Though I didn't really venture out of Bicol Region this year, I was still able to enjoy and have fun. In 2023, we went to Europe and, even here in the Philippines, I saw many masterpieces with strong foreign elements. 

This year, on the other hand, the things I saw were mostly native and local (with little to no foreign element). Nonetheless, they're not any less superior. Coming home and enjoying home gave 2024 its own vibe and zeitgeist. All in all, 2024 has been a decent year so far...

January 1: Happy Fam

2024 started on a high note. For media noche, we feasted on Japanese-Korean foods and pancit guisado. I think it was the first time we did Asian for New Year. I also had fun doing the NYE decorations as I always love welcoming the new year with clean slate and much optimism.

Since 2024 was the year of the Green Dragon, we wore green. Bright yellow was the color of the balloons for contrast.

January 16: Unobstructed Sky

In Mid January, I was suffering from terrible cough and colds so I had a check up at UST Legazpi Hospital. I always pass by this small garden but never had a chance to inspect it up close. During those days, I had a lot of work to do and that small garden seemed so nice, it might be a good idea to go there and take a pause. It was then that I realized that the sky over here was actually unobstructed. I felt magic and bliss in this small sanctuary right smack in the middle of the city. What a nice break from the usual. ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿป

January 23: Destroyed Ganon

After more than four years of playing, I finally finished Zelda: Breath of the Wild. This was one of the most difficult games I've ever played that, sometimes, it feels like doing a task. Regardless, the game was fun and entertaining so I managed to finish it as the visuals were simply spectacular.

January 27: Tears of the Kingdom

Immediately after finishing Breath of the Wild, I bought Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. Just like its predecessor, this game is also extra challenging, but somehow, I think it is even better. I just need plenty of time and patience in playing this game as sometimes it feels tasking. Nonetheless, its visuals are also spectacular and the fighting scenes were awesome. ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿป

February 29: First Tagalog Poem Ever

I always make it a point to make Leap Day, being the rarest day of the year, a little special. This year, I went to a seminar about poetry where I learned to write poems in Tagalog. I have also met a Bicolana poet, Tita Merli Tariman (but Mami Merl as we fondly call her), who has by now published two books about poetry. I was also honored to drive her home in Ligao City. Thank you, Mami Merl for spending time with me. :)

Me and Mami Merl

And then, as I drove back home, I captured orange-capped Mayon Volcano on sunset.

March 10: Arbol Tree Club Was Formed

Arbol Tree Club members celebrated Earth Day at Mirisbiris Garden
together with its owner, Dr. Chris Newhall.

This year's summer was hotter and longer than usual. As early as February, the weather was already hot and dry... so we were prompted to establish a tree club to advocate the reforestation of rural areas and regreening of urban cities. 

Arbol stands for "Advocates for reforestation, biodiversity, and outdoor lifestyle." It also literally means "tree" in Spanish. Special thanks to Nino Kare for coming up with the name, and my friends, Rosemarie, JJ, and Ate Ledz for organizing this club with me.

Coincidentally, 2024 was the year of the Wooden Green Dragon, which might be a good omen that Arbol Tree Club would be able to achieve its vision and missions. With the luck of the powerful dragon and the growth of the element of wood, Arbol Tree Club was established on a most opportune time.

March 14: Papa Celebrates 76th

We are so lucky and grateful that, at 76, our father is still strong with minimal health conditions. He's still working up to now, without any signs of stopping.

March 27: Endearing Lola

Tiya Mada was probably my funniest client so far. Signing all twenty-six documents at her age was no easy feat but she did it all happily and energetically. And then she would throw some candid comments here and there that tickled my funny bones. She reminds me of Studio Ghibli's quirky characters.

March 27: Full Moon at the Beach

It was Holy Week so we went to the beach at Sta Magdalena, Sorsogon. The moon was full so I had to have pictures captured. It was awesome. ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿป

March 29: Vivid Netherworld

I imagined the blueness of the sea was the netherworld, calling on me to dive deep into the ocean and forget all the troubles of one's life in the city... That was one hot summer day in Matnog, Sorsogon... and I still don't want to go back to the city... Nevertheless, the memories remain... and, now that the rains seem unending, the blueness of the sea and the sky makes me wish that our time there on the island had been longer.

April 20: Jungle Concierto

Arbol Tree Club celebrated Earth Day at Mirisbiris Garden and Nature Park at Sto Domingo, Albay. We toured the jungle that led us to the beach where lava formations as old as a hundred million years still exist to this day. 

Roaming Rome and Rosemarie Aquino

Touring the forest was better than shopping at the mall. It was a nice break to do some outdoor activity close to nature where you are surrounded by towering trees, singing birds, and flowing springs.

Mayon Volcano showed up that day

The Pacific Ocean in the horizon

One of the bridges

The jungle

Arbol Tree Club with Dr Chris Newhall, the owner of Mirisbiris Garden.

The scary hanging bridge

Organic fertilizer

Jade Vine, an endemic plant species.

May 1
Volcanic Museum + Hamster Wheel

May 1 was holiday so my friends and I went to the National Museum (Bicol Region) for the very first time. We learned so many new things about volcanoes there. After the museum, we tried the Hamster Wheel, which was fun and awesome! ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿป

Jaymar, Rommel, Regine, and myself. :)

May 17: Joroan, a Bikol Musical

We watched a local musical on the third Friday of May. Though a religious artwork, it was unexpectedly light-hearted and candid, evoking more laughters than tears.

May 30: Visited a Friend's Law Office

Atty Mark Del Rosario, a friend from law school

It was my first time to visit Mark's law office where there was an array of artifacts spread all over. Walking inside feels like touring a museum.

Late Summer
The Legend of Zelda: Wind-Waker

I was only sixteen when I would play this game in the Summer of 2004 but undergrad studies compelled me to leave this game behind and focus on my future. Now that the "future" is here, I played it again exactly 20 years later! It took some time as our console was no longer available for a while. Good thing, my brother did some stuff so, voila, I was able to order online. I felt like a kid again!

June 14
Balaog: UST Singers Albay Concert

Tita Glenda Newhall, the owner of Mirisbiris Garden and Natural Park, invited me to attend a chorale at Albay Cathedral. I enjoyed the fine music and the voices were sublime. ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿป

With Tita Glenda Newhall

June 22: Public Library

The internet doesn't contain all the information I need so I decided to hit the libraries soon. Finding a spare time wasn't easy as most libraries are only open during office hours. June 22nd was the first day I went to the library of Bicol University. It was nice, quiet, and comfortable. I had a great time learning new stuff.

Late June: Arbor Day Celebration

Arbol Tree Club's first tree-planting activity took place on Arbor Day. We planted a total of 10 bignay and 20 cacao seedlings on Olaguera Farm in Baรฑadero, Legazpi City.

Tree-planting is for younger generations.

Ate Claire, my pretty fourth cousin, led the invocation.

July 20: My Brother's Wedding

It was a glorious Sunny Saturday when my brother got married. Cousins and relatives from California, Australia and Manila came over to celebrate this important milestone. After the wedding, there was an almost endless partying where everyone had awesome time dancing and drinking.

July 21
Mapusao Sisters' Sudden & Spontaneous Concert

Okay, before we went to this part of the mall, there were only a handful of people around, maybe 10 or 15. But when our mother and Mama Jane came into the picture, they singlehandedly turned this into a mini-concert where they and other Mapusao sisterakas sang several songs. The funny thing was, it drew a big crowd, and soon, these random students from Western Visayas joined in and danced even though they were not even supposed to be there. It was all so sudden and spontaneous, it was crazy!

Late July
Tagapagmanas Y Barkadas

My HS friend, Benedict, Alea, Rommel, Airis, and myself.

During the IBP Regional Convention, my HS friend (Benedict) and I formed a new group with new friends from Masbate. Alea, Airis, and Rommel were such fun people to be with that we joined forces as one cohesive group. Benedict and I have been friends since HS and we are both going to inherit existing law offices (thus, the term "tagapagmanas"). While the entire activity was a bit strenuous (9 hours straight for 4 consecutive days in a row), it wasn't so bad after all especially with the kind of company we had during that time.

August 10: Ibalon: The Ballet

Mayor Gie Rosal delivering her opening remarks during the event. (c) Jaymar Bonaobra.

I invited my friends to watch ballet at Ibalong Centrum for Recreation (ICR) in Legazpi City. It was my first time to see this mode of entertainment in person. While Ibalon was not a faithful adaptation of its source material, it was nevertheless entertaining and beautiful. 

Thank you Jaymar, Les, and Rommel, for joining me!

The man is Handyong, one of the three heroes of the epic. (c) Jaymar Bonaobra.

Aswang, the main antagonist of the epic. (c) Jaymar Bonaobra.

Oryol, the princess who turns into serpent on full moon. (c) Jaymar Bonaobra.

When Handyong was courting Oryol. (c) Jaymar Bonaobra.

Oryol eventually falls in love. (c) Jaymar Bonaobra.

As new lovers continued their romance. (c) Jaymar Bonaobra.

With the cast

September 20: Birthday Party with Friends

I celebrated my birthday with these fellas. It was just a simple gathering with lots of singing and laughing. Thank you, Jaymar, Atty Shayne, Reg, and Lester for coming to our simple abode to celebrate with me.

Mid October: Planting Hope

We visited the Olaguera Farm for two consecutive Saturdays in October to do ocular inspection of the seedlings we planted. It was unfortunate that one of the seedlings was reduced into a mere tiny bud. It was so tiny that it's smaller than my pinkie fingernail. Thankfully, our forester, James Llaguno, who subsequently topped the Foresters' Board Exams, told me that there's still hope. 

A week after, during our second ocular inspection, we were surprised to see that the tiny bud has grown into a gorgeous healthy leaf alongside a few more leaves about to grow out of the twig.

I realized that when all is lost, when even hope is dead, turn to love... for love endures all things. Indeed, the bible is right again. You'll certainly not go wrong with faith.

October 22: Toastmasters' Anniversary

Mayon Toastmasters celebrated its 9th anniversary on Saturday, October 22nd. I'm personally grateful to its officers and members who have been actively helping Arbol Tree Club conduct its activities. Mayon Toastmasters is a wholesome club where members continuously improve their public speaking skills.

October 26: First Time at the Feast

With my classmate from elementary, Nikki.

It was my first time at the Feast where I learned so many new things. I'm very grateful that talks like this happen in Legazpi City every now and then. Aside from learning and growing closer to God, I've had several of my long-time wishes come true within a span of few weeks. This is certainly a manifestation of God's power.

This novena is powerful. I instantly had several of my long-time wishes granted. God is good indeed.

Lovely prayer booklet.

November 30
Arbol Tree Club Induction

The officers being inducted by the officiating person, the National Greening Program provincial coordinator,  For. Israel O. Burac.

Arbol Tree Club has grown from a group of about five people into an organization of about 30 members. By November 30, we finally had our induction ceremony at Cafe Pitogo in Manito, Albay.

Members being inducted by the president.

The event was so close to nature that technical difficulties compelled us to abort our plans of using powerpoint presentations. It was a successful activity nevertheless (with all ears to the speakers) where we learned a lot from the National Greening Program of DENR, For. Israel O. Burac.

For. Israel O. Burac, the inducting officer, being given a token of appreciation.

The food was divine. Thanks, Chef Muel!

All native delicacies: tinutungang manok, smoked tilapia, ginataang tabagwang, among others.

With Chef Muel, an amazing chef who once cooked for a Michelin-starred restaurant in Italy.

As a result of our experience during the Arbor Day, we have taken hordes of pictures to immortalize this event, all of which can be seen here.

December 8: Amelie's Birthday Party

Front: Denley, Ate Therese, myself, and Francis. Back: JR Reyes and Mitch.

My friend, Denley, invited us over to a beach party where his daughter, Amelie, just celebrated her tenth birthday. Salamatun sa masiramun na pagkaon, Denley!

December 12: Exciting Bicol Pastores

I was all alone and it was raining hard but I was so determined to watch this annual event. Colourful and lively, this centuries-old tradition is definitely Bicol's hidden gem.

December 15
Fun, Fun, Fun at IBP Christmas Party

IBP Albay held its annual Christmas Party on December 15, a Sunday. My first thought was that I might not be able to attend because of the schedule, but I decided to still go because this only happens once a year. What is one groggy morning after all? So I decided to join the party. Unexpectedly, everyone had a great time. It was awesome and probably one of the best IBP parties ever.

I didn't post another picture because there were so many, but you may visit this link.

December 21
Toastmasters Pajama Party

Mayon Toastmasters' annual Christmas celebration was so much fun! We had an overnight stay at a beach resort in the middle of a stormy day and we wore pajamas! The food was amazing and we had fun answering several questions related to Christmas. ๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽ„

Mayon Toastmasters Club having a great time as one big family.

December 24
Christmas Charity

Rose and Audrey

This event was heavily influenced by Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol." It was raining hard then that our event was almost cancelled. But prayers to Mother Mary proved successful as the event went on nevertheless.

Taking a pose before the distribution

I learned that when you give something to people who have nothing, you give them all the joy in the world. It's actually pretty easy to make them happy and grateful for the little kind deed that you do. In the end, we enjoyed the simple event, which resonated positive vibes to everyone.

They were celebrating Christmas on the streets because they had no food to eat...

Special thanks to Ate Trixie, Rose and Audrey for making this simple activity successful. Rains and all, we still did it! Congratulations!

December 27: New Member of F4?

Martin, myself, Charlston and Ryan

Meteor Garden was a big thing during HS so a group of funny guys in our school took "F4" as the name for their group. These guys were hilarious. It just so happens that half of them are also my friends so, on December 27, they added me as a new member of their group. ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ

December 28: HS Reunion

Our HS batch celebrated its 20th anniversary at Lola's Bistro where we ate several local delicacies. It was all fun, food, and laughter! As Toni used to say, "high school never ends!" 

December 29
Laidback Afternoon Listening to Poems

Tita Glenda Newhall reading one of the poems of Mami Merl in front of the audience.

It was a pleasant Sunday afternoon when Mami Merl's book, "Rainbow Chronicles and Other Poems," was launched. The event was hosted by Lester Dellosa who did an excellent job organizing the event and making everyone feel comfortable. The venue was Sanctuary Farm at Binitayan, Daraga, Albay

Mami Merl signing one copy of her book.

Jaymar, Reg, Mami Merl, myself, and Lester.

2024 in a Nutshell

Unlike last year, 2024 was mostly "native" and "back to nature." After seeing so many masterpieces last year, 2024 brought me to the simplest, barest of things where everything I saw and experienced were local and related to nature. As I love contrasts, I appreciate 2024's simplicity as a sort of counter-culture to 2023's magnificence.

If I were to sum up 2024, "Wild" perfectly captures the spirit and zeitgeist of the year. 2024 was the year of retreat, reflection, and self-love. It was the year when staycations, poetry, visits to local libraries and museums gave me the rejuvenations that I need.

"Wild" was a movie about a woman who walked from Mexico to Canada in order to understand the meaning of life better. In 2024, when I watched this film, I have thought about life's meaning and significance more than ever before.

In the end, it's not about meaning or significance at all. It was about enjoying every passing day, savoring the moments, focusing on what you can do for the moment instead of worrying about the future, spending more time with family and friends, and pursuing your passions. That is the meaning of life.


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