A Thousand And One Feelings

There is sadness, there is gladness Gloom and doom, delight and fright There is lewdness, there is madness Swoon and lampoon, spite and slight Image Source A little shift here and there Could make a notable change In my mood or - worse - temper Everything seems arranged --- From a half note on a song To the use of spices on a dish Or a random, awful dong To a beautiful, granted wish A little change in the decors A little shift in colors A newly-cleaned dazzling floor That emits a strange odor There is always something new In one little change or two Even the mist of morning dew Could make me fall in love with you A set of long-ago memories Could either make me go sad Force me to laugh, or give me bliss And, in rare instances, go mad A nice message from a friend A tight hug from my mother Both make me smile from end to end What a feeling shared with others... But the best emotion of all To remember as I always should To recall and recall and recall Is nothing else but that of grati...