La Dolce Vita 🇮🇹🇻🇦🇲🇨 🍸
September 2023.
My birthmonth, my birthyear. I was born in the year of the Hare, so 2023 - being another year of the Hare - had to be special. Everybody knows of my Euro Tour with my aunt and my sister, but, contrary to what most people think, the tour was not at all premeditated. It was a split-second decision.
So many countries were considered. Spain and Portugal came to mind. Thailand seemed plausible. Nearby Indonesia's fantastic architecture was tempting, and because Singapore was close enough, it was also suggested. Malaysia came into the radar too. But, not until visas have been approved or airline tickets were bought, nothing was final.
And then, out of the blue, I heard my aunt and sister talk about a possible Euro Tour on no other month but September - which happens to be my birthmonth - I immediately asked if I could go with them. "Sure," said my aunt!
Our Euro Tour crossed different parts of Italy together with Vatican City, and as we sojourned to affluent Monaco, we also witnessed the beauty of French Riviera and its many seaside cities. 👌🏻
Our European Escapade lasted for three weeks. It was art and beauty all around; every nook and cranny was worth memorializing. So many pictures were captured, so many foods were tasted, so many historical backgrounds unearthed.
Since most of the cities we visited form part of Italy, this travel essay spells "La Dolce Vita," which means, "the sweet life" in Italy.
Truly, our vacation was splendid as all the destinations were sublime, and we enjoyed every part of it...
Magnificent Milan 🇮🇹
Venice, the Floating City 🇮🇹
Lago di Como: A Lakeside Paradise 🇮🇹
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