Hell Is An Exuberant Castle

The Hall of Mirrors at Amalienburg / Steve Jurvetson / Wiki Commons

Hell is an exuberant castle

With lavish garden, flowing stream,

Interiors painted in pastel

As though one enters a splendid dream

Found in the deep forest

Not only is it magnificent

Everything from east to west

Is luxurious and decadent

Its impressionist paintings

Are gracefully moving

People and animals constantly doing

Laughing, conversing, and prancing

Everything is animated

Cast in pastel shades of rococo

Its guests are constantly fed

With saffron, truffle, belgian cocoa

They, too, are immensely satisfied

With the most expensive wines

And the finest, most divine

Of all fruits and berries worldwide

Classical music, jazz, bossa nova

Filled all of its gracious, spacious halls

There's enough room for everyone

And even more inside its soaring walls

And down the bedrooms

Are soothing, relaxing scents

Rose petals, lavenders loom

Everywhere, all around, the aromas transcend

As the guests gradually blow

The dulcet lights of candles

As the music gradually mellows

And dims the rococo castle

They lavishly began to slumber

On the comfiest pillows

On the tenderest mattresses

As they hear the whispers of the willows

But into the deepest recesses

Of their delightful dreams

Their mood began to mess

From wonderful to the other extreme

Despite the grandeur and beauty

Of the pastel rococo castle

Of their splendid fantasies

Of the dreams with which they're dazzled

Feelings of rancor and torment

Feelings of regret and guilt

Feelings of sadness and resentment

Flooded all of them with filth

Soon, their vivid fantasies

Turn into damning nightmares

Where the beauty of their visions dimmed

Into chaos, anarchy, and disarray

For everything they've done

To be there on that exuberant castle

Was made to turn the lives of everyone

Worse, harder, and horrible

But somewhere nearby

Is a tiny seaside village

That except for the sands of beige

Was simple, rural, trite

Nothing else was extraordinary

But it seemed tranquil

It seemed happy

It seemed at peace...


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