The Flora & Fauna Symphony

This is the ninth chapter of the historical fantasy entitled " Rhapsody of Nature ." Synopsis: The island's exotic plant and animal species serenaded the young man... A small dove was cooing nearby... Hoooooooooooooooop.... Poo-poo-poo-poo-pooop... Amethyst Brown Dove Photo Credit: Rodolfo Quinio through Amethyst Brown-Dove - eBird Hoooooooooooooooop.... Poo-poo-poo-poo-pooop... Soon, its friends flew nearby and began to join its cooing. Poo-poo-roo-poo-poop! They were sitting on the branches of trees. Esteban looked keenly on their feathers. Their primary color was cappuccino but their chests and necks were adorned with amethyst fur... We are the flora and fauna Of these beautiful islands! We need your assistance Protect us from foreign hands! Our habitats are in danger From the wants of invaders Truly, we are very scared But with you, we will dare! Poo-poo-poo-roo-poo-poop! We're amethyst brown doves Music is one of our first loves We will reveal y...