Message from a Libra Venus

I’ve encountered many beautiful and intelligent women in my life but I didn’t feel any love for them. There was always something lacking. 

The joys of conversing with a smart lady often brightens my day but the connection ends as is, and no more. A beautiful lady I could always gaze on like the stars in a moonless night; yet, I couldn’t even begin to talk to her.

You are different. There is this something between us that continuously binds us despite us being opposite in so many ways. I can feel in you something I do not feel with others. We always have conversations that lead us to some sensual act, and your beauty is not only for my eyes to see but to touch and feel.

I’ve never met anyone like you before. With you I can feel a love that’s not a stagnating constant, but one that moves, that grows branches and twigs, that takes deeper roots, and blooms. But despite this, my feelings for you do not overwhelm me like an intimidating tide that washes me into the tempests of confusion. Yours is that which makes me feel comfortable as if I’m resting my head on a soft and fragrant pillow, while keeping my reality intact. 

I know you are not just a dream. Even if our world seems dreamy, I know it is real. That you are real, but someone different and unique, is a resonating sound in the deepest recesses of my heart – the beat that continuously produces harmonies and melodies in my daily activities and routines. 

‘Love’ is a four-letter word meant to be imagined by those who have not experienced it. But I see its intricate details, its contrasting colors. I hear its softness. I sense its gentleness and tenderness. I feel its joys whenever you are with me. 

I will not say the message you want to hear from me. I will play this music so that you will not hear it but feel it instead…

But, cut it, I wanted to tell you “I love you…”


  1. It is beautiful to be in love. Being able to express your thoughts and feelings through writing makes it more powerful to strike the readers’ emotions.

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  3. Loving someone also means going beyond your safe zone. Tell her and take a leap of faith! <3

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  5. I hope you would take the risk, because the pain of regrets is more than the pain of failure.

  6. One would be so much grateful and flattered with 'her' being your subject in your writing. Also, falling and staying in love are one of the most unforgettable experiences in life. To feel the love of someone is sometimes too makes your days and nights go. But it would be so much greater when we tell them how we feel. It is an act of validation that could lead to a lot of outcomes. But who cares? The joy of having to tell someone that you love them would bring so much satisfaction. Love would always be love, either in one way or two way process. Just a push to the edge tip from an experience in life: we think there is always so much time but there isn't. Love to the fullest everyday!

  7. One would be so much grateful and flattered with 'her' being your subject in your writing. Also, falling and staying in love are one of the most unforgettable experiences in life. To feel the love of someone is sometimes too makes your days and nights go. But it would be so much greater when we tell them how we feel. It is an act of validation that could lead to a lot of outcomes. But who cares? The joy of having to tell someone that you love them would bring so much satisfaction. Love would always be love, either in one way or two way process. Just a push to the edge tip from an experience in life: we think there is always so much time but there isn't. Love to the fullest everyday!

  8. Pack up your courage to express what you feel about her. If you are meant to be, then no matter what happens you will be for her and she will be for you. After all, love wins!

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  10. I believe love exists even if you can't say it to someone but it is better to be said than to keep it all by yourself because what if she also feels the same? Have courage and say those magical words to the girl who gave you a magical feeling, sir! <3

  11. It's nice how you found meaning to the word 'love', aside from His love that saves us from death. Reading your message, one can say that she is lucky, and so are you. Tell her and show her how you feel!

    PS. Bach's music is really romantic (and so Chopin's) lol

  12. People say that love is blind. I disagree. We never see any clearer than when we are in love— never more certain nor more courageous. This piece is as amazing as love itself.

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  14. Two people who are meant for each other would not feel absolute bliss until they are finally in the arms of one another. Hearts, even though full of love, would still bear a sense of vacancy, where each of them would feel incomplete and only the act of togetherness would fill this void. Both have one missing soulmate; one that although not lost in a geographical sense, was most definitely lost in a sense of belonging – because in truth without being with one another, these two people wouldn't feel as if they belong anywhere. So, if you think she's the one, don't wait too long. Fill your heart by being with the one you love. Set your feelings into action and tell your girl how much you love her :)

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  16. I couldn't agree more!!! Love is truly powerful for an 18 year old boy. I've been in love since 14 and I can say, love brought me into greater heights, the affection and inspiration I get from her is what keeps me going despite of all the difficulties I'm facing, and sometimes, there are no words fit to describe my feelings. That's also when I finally knew that its no longer about how we utter things right to pay back the love we get but how we do it just enough to show our's. Just as how she does it.❤💯

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  18. There is a saying that goes like this:
    "Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.”

    Let love make the both of you stronger. And have enough courage to express what you truly feels while you still have the chance coz chances aren't unlimited.

  19. Love, they say, always starts with friendship and this letter shows the undeniable kind of love someone has for another. The words used to describe her really shows that he is beyond intrigued and amazed by her very existence.

    It is quite hard to witness this kind of act nowadays but surely, there are still rare moments like this that will bring us back to the idea of love.
    I hope she'll be able to read this❤

    1. She read it the day before we officially became together (January 4, 2019).

  20. ‪there’s no such thing as being completely ready, right? like what other people said here, have the courage. i feel like the more what-ifs we have in our lives, the harder. sometimes, we choose to hide what we truly feel just bc we don’t want to lose something familiar. but, how will this welcome new chapters? not being able to say what’s there in your heart is the worst. ‬

  21. You love her, you need and want her, you know almost everything about her but she doesn’t and I think that love is the most difficult(miserable) kind of love that you’ll ever experience. You need enough courage and strength to be able to endure everything and love unconditionally without expecting something in return. But how can you do that? I don’t know but I think if you keep that up it’ll eventually eat you up and might even kill you. You’ll be trapped and won’t be able to move on. So even though a silent love is the most genuine kind of love you still have to say it and let it be known. And maybe, just maybe you'll find your own happiness.

  22. Love is truly a powerful thing; it can heal the scars of the past and make you whole again, but it can also be the reason for your pain. All relationships are a struggle, but there can never be true love without a fight.

  23. Love is certainly perceived as something mysterious or unexplainable. As i have read into the article and have a peek into your eyes, I see a love so pure and shrouded by inncocence. As i read into it, i cannot help but become breathless due to it being so relatable. This is a beautiful article and i hope everyone gets a chance to read this and experience “this” kind of love. It’s majestic and simply beautiful.
    Diamante, Jewel C. BSA1C


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