What the Clouds Reveal

Photo Credit: Jeejaz Levina

Lady Mountain full of splendor
Your lasting beauty we adore
But why often so shy ---
Hiding behind clouds in the sky?

We natives are charmed
For we know you’re magical
But tourists from afar
Think you’re mythical

Do not hide in shame
You may have imperfect crevices
But please, Lady Mountain
You’re beautiful just the same!

Your greens and blues
Are contrasting elegance of hues
The clouds of white and gray
Lets you dance in gay

As day turns sunset
We see you clad in violet
Or, at other times, gold
And to some, red velvet

When evening comes and sets
We still see you
Adorning our landscape
With your fine silhouette

Sometimes around you
Are stars that glimmer
Together with bright city lights,
They shine as dainty glitters

And when they’re not around
Full moon fills the void
As lamp that lights the sky
Uncovering you at midnight

As an incurable romantic
I have always been
Your slopes so scenic
Makes gloom a pleasant feeling.

Thus, to me, it does not matter
As long as I feel better
But only when I see you
As I would always love to...

So see, you are adored
For your unique splendor
Do not ever be shy
Lay open in the sky!


  1. Such a nice poem, Sir! The Mayon Volcano really is something we, Albayanos, should be proud of. Although it may not let all people see its beauty, when it actually does, it always is breathtaking :)

  2. Very nice poem! 💓 The poem made me think of creative images and a new perspective on the beauty of Mayon. Mayon is such a natural beauty! ❤

  3. The majestic Mayon Volcano is indeed a great treasure we Albayanos have. So lucky to see its beauty everyday. Thank you for a great poem!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Being a Bicolano comes great privileges and one of them is being in the place where Mayon Volcano is located. 
    Sad to say, I came from Masbate where Mayon can't be seen but the moment I step on the place of Albay particularly in Daraga and Legazpi, I can't help but witness the magnificent beauty of the Volcano. I don't know why but its been 10 months already since I first saw this Mayon yet I still can't contain the beauty that it gives. 

    Thank you for this poem, it reminds me of how lucky I can be to witness personally the beauty it offers.

  6. "Orgolyo kan Bicolano", natives would always say. From past to present, the phrase remains true. Mayon truly is the pride of every Bicolano.

    Thank you for the great poem, sir!

  7. Even though I always see the Mayon Volcano almost every day, I am still mesmerized by the beauty it possesses that is truly one of a kind.
    Thank you Sir for reminding us of the beauty that lies within Albay by sharing with us this poem.


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