What the Clouds Reveal

Photo Credit: Jeejaz Levina Lady Mountain full of splendor Your lasting beauty we adore But why often so shy --- Hiding behind clouds in the sky? We natives are charmed For we know you’re magical But tourists from afar Think you’re mythical Do not hide in shame You may have imperfect crevices But please, Lady Mountain You’re beautiful just the same! Your greens and blues Are contrasting elegance of hues The clouds of white and gray Lets you dance in gay As day turns sunset We see you clad in violet Or, at other times, gold And to some, red velvet When evening comes and sets We still see you Adorning our landscape With your fine silhouette Sometimes around you Are stars that glimmer Together with bright city lights, They shine as dainty glitters And when they’re not around Full moon fills the void As lamp that lights the sky Uncovering you at midnight As an i...